Truth and Reconciliation Book List

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, or Orange Shirt Day, is a solemn day to reflect on the ongoing legacy of the residential school system in Canada. Secwepemc author and activist Phyllis Webstad speaks of her first day attending residential school, where her new orange shirt was taken by school officials. September 30 is a day to honour survivors and consider your own responsibilities in reconciliation. Check out the UBC Okanagan Orange Shirt Day webpage for information about on-campus and community events.

While wearing an orange shirt in solidarity with Indigenous people can be a meaningful personal action, many Indigenous leaders and academics speak of the importance of truth before reconciliation. September 30 provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the impacts of discriminatory colonial policies like residential schools on Indigenous communities. It is equally important to recognize the continuing emotional burden that teaching this history places on Indigenous people.

If you are looking for more information on the history of residential schools or Indigenous-Canadian relations, we encourage you to continue your learning and consult some of the books or movies we have available through the library.  

Below are a few recommedations by Christian Isbister, Indigenous Initiatives Librarian at UBC Okanagan Library.

The Inconvenient Indian

The inconvenient Indian : a curious account of Native People in North America by Thomas King 

A broad look at the history of Indigenous-settler relations throughout North America, King’s dry sense of humour acts as an irreverent guide through key moments in history and is a great starting place if you are new to this area.

INdian horse

Indian Horse : a novel by Richard Wagamese 

One of Richard Wagamese’s better known works and a personal favourite, it follows a young Anishinaabe hockey player who survives his time in a residential school but must contend with the ongoing impact it has on his life. A deeply challenging read at times but well worth your time. 

Stolen Words

Stolen Words by Melanie Florence ; illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard 

Beautifully told and illustrated story about the emotional toll that losing one’s language has and on the potential for intergenerational love to bring it back. 

Orange Shirt Day, September 30th by Phyllis Webstad and the Orange Shirt Society 



Black apple : a novel by Joan Crate 

Kiss of the fur queen by Tomson Highway

Porcupines and china dolls by Robert Arthur Alexie 



The Red Files by Lisa Bird-Wilson 

Inconvenient skin = Nyêhtâwan wasakay by Shane L. Koyczan


Memoirs and Autobigaphies

NISHGA by Jordan Abel

Totem poles and tea by by Hughina Harold and Eldon Lee 

STONEFACE : memoir of a defiant dene. by Stephen Kakfwi

Genocidal love : a life after residential school by Bevann Fox

The knowing

The Knowing by Tanya Talaga 

The education of Augie Merasty: A residential school memoir by Joesph Auguste Merasty with David Carpenter 

The reason you walk by Wab Kinew 

Up Ghost River: A chief’s journey through the turbulent waters of native history by Edmund Metatawabin with Alexandra Shimo 

Call me Indian : from the trauma of residential school to becoming the NHL’s first Treaty Indigenous player by Fred Sasakamoose 

Following the good river: the life and times of Wa’xaid by Briony Penn 

Our voice of fire: a memoir of a warrior rising by Brandi Morin 

Namwayut : we are all one : a pathway to reconciliation by Chief Robert Joseph 

Price paid : the fight for First Nations survival by Bev Sellars ; foreword and excerpts by Hemas Kla-Lee-Lee-Kla (Hereditary Chief Bill Wilson) 

The circle game : shadows and substance in the Indian residential school experience in Canada by Roland Chrisjohn with Sherri Young and contributions by Michael Marun

They called me number one: secrets and survival at an indian residential school by Bev Sellers  

Broken circle : the dark legacy of Indian residential schools : a memoir by Theodore Fontaine 

Finding my talk : how fourteen Native women reclaimed their lives after residential school by Agnes Grant

Finding my talk

Shattered spirits in the land of the little sticks by Herman J. Michell, PhD

From Bear Rock Mountain : the life and times of a Dene residential school survivor by Antoine Mountain 

The boy from Buzwah: a life in Indian Education by Cecil King 



L’héritage des pensionnats indiens du Québec = The legacy of Quebec Indian residential schools  

Survivors of the red brick school by Kla-How-Ya Communications, First Nations Friendship Centre 

We were children = Nous n’étions que des enfants by Eagle Vision ; eOne ; National Film Board of Canada ; Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. 

Childhood lost : the residential school experience by executive producer, Chalen Ewing 

Indian horse = Cheval Indien by directed by Stephen S. Campanelli. 

Savage by written & directed by Lisa Jackson. 

8th fire : [aboriginal peoples, Canada and the way forward] by CBC production

Stolen children by a CBC production 


Illustrated Books  

When I was eight by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton ; art by Gabrielle Grimard. 

With our orange hearts by Phyllis Webstad ; Emily Kewageshig. 

As long as the rivers flow by Larry Loyie with Constance Brissenden ; illustrated by Heather D. Holmlund 

When we were alone by David Alexander Robertson ; Julie Flett

The orange shirt story by author, Phyllis Webstad ; illustrations, Brock Nicol

I lost my talk by words by Rita Joe ; art by Pauline Young

Phyllis’s orange shirt by written by Phyllis Webstad ; illustrated by Brock Nicol 

I am not a number by written by Jenny Kay Dupuis and Kathy Kacer ; illustrated by Gillian Newland. 

Shi-shi-etko by Nicola I. Campbell ; pictures by Kim La Fave

Every child matters by Phyllis Webstad, illustrated by Karlene Harvey


For young readers 

Fatty Legs by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton/ Liz Amini-Holmes 

A stranger at home : a true story by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton ; artwork by Liz Amini-Holmes 

Sugar Falls : a residential school story by David Alexander Robertson, Scott B. Henderson. 

The journey forward: a novella on reconiliation by Richard Van Camp and Monique Gray Smith


Anthologies and Collections

Resistance and renewal : surviving the Indian residential school by Celia Haig-Brown

Power through testimony : reframing residential schools in the age of reconciliation edited by Brieg Capitaine and Karine Vanthuyne

“Speaking my truth” : reflections on reconciliation & residential school selected by Shelagh Rogers, Mike DeGagné, Jonathan Dewar, Glen Lowry

Witnesses : art and Canada’s Indian residential schools : September 6-December 1, 2013 curated by Geoffrey Carr 

Out of the depths : the experiences of Mi’kmaw children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia by Isabelle Knockwood with Gillian Thomas

Valley of the Birdtail: an Indian reserve, a White town, and the road to reconciliation by Andrew Stobo Sniderman & Douglas Sandderson (Amo Binashii) 

A knock on the door : the essential history of residential schools from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by foreword by Phil Fontaine

Residential schools: with words and images of survivors by Larry Loyie with Wayne K. Spear, Constance Brissenden 

Reconciliation from an indigenous perspective : weaving the web of life in the aftermath of residential schools by Herman J. Michell

In this together : fifteen stories of truth & reconciliation edited by Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail 

These are the stories : memories of a 60s Scoop survivor by Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith

The fire still burns : life in and after residential school by Sam George with Jill Yonit Goldberg and Liam Belson, Dylan MacPhee, and Tanis Wilson 

Beyond the orange shirt story : a collection of stories from family and friends of Phyllis Webstad before, during, and after their residential school experiences by Phyllis Webstad

Behind closed doors : stories from the Kamloops Indian Residential School edited by Agnes Jack


Other non-fiction

Wayi wah! : Indigenous pedagogies : an act for reconciliation and anti-racist education by Jo Chrona 

Resolve : the story of the Chelsea family and a First Nation community’s will to heal by Carolyn Parks Mintz with Andy and Phyllis Chelsea

Truth and indignation : Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools by Ronald Niezen 

Unsettling the settler within: Indian Residential Schools, truth telling, and reconciliation in Canada by Paulette Regan 

Final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada 

Mnidoo bemaasing bemaadiziwin : reclaiming, reconnecting, and demystifying resiliency as life force energy for residential school survivors by Dr. Theresa Turmel

Picking up the pieces : residential school memories and the making of the Witness Blanket by Carey Newman and Kirstie Hudson

Fragments of truth: residential schools and the challenge of reconciliation in Canada by Naomi Angel

Residential schools : the devastating impact on Canada’s Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s findings and calls for action by Melanie Florence

A national crime : the Canadian government and the residential school system, 1879 to 1986 by John S. Milloy ; foreword by Mary Jane Logan McCallum

A long journey: residential schools in Labrador and Newfoundland by Andrea H Procter

Spirit of the grassroots people : seeking justice for indigenous survivors of Canada’s colonial education system edited by Jackson Pind and Theodore Michael Christou