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Kim Buschert
(She, Her, Hers)Faculty of Management Librarian
Faculty of Management, Library Services
Other Titles: FacultyOffice Hours: Book a research consultation
Email: kim.buschert@ubc.ca

Courses & Teaching
Subject librarian for: Management, Psychology
- Business and management research guides
- Industry & market research guides
- Getting to Know Your Industry tutorial
- Psychology research guide
- Knowledge synthesis: Systematic, scoping and other reviews guide
MLIS University of British Columbia
BA University of Victoria
Selected Publications & Presentations
Peer-reviewed publications
Adjetey, C., Karnon, B., Falck, R. S., Balasubramaniam, H., Buschert, K., & Davis, J. C. (2023). Cost-effectiveness of exercise versus multimodal interventions that include exercise to prevent falls among community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Maturitas, 169, 16–31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.maturitas.2022.12.003
Santhagunam, S.N., Davis, J., Li, E.P.H. & Buschert, K. (2021). A theoretical framework to improve adherence among older adults to recommendations received at a falls prevention clinic: A narrative review. Applied Nursing Research, 62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2021.151493
Pesme, J-O., Sugden, R., Valania, M., Mooken, M. and Buschert, K. (2021). A reflective process to explore identity in an emerging wine territory: The example of British Columbia. International Journal of Wine Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWBR-07-2020-0034
McCauley, A., Trebic, I., Buschert, K., Rochlin, N., & Thorne, L. (2020). Investigation of British Columbia entrepreneurs’ secondary market research habits and information needs. Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.3998/ticker.16481003.0005.107
Other published papers
Buschert, K. & Willson, L. (2020). Cross institutional peer observation for business librarians. Academic BRASS, 15(1). https://www.ala.org/rusa/sections/brass/publications/academicbrass/2020/15-1
Sobol, B. & Buschert, K. (2019). Collaborative service model redesign. BCLA Perspectives, 11(4). https://bclaconnect.ca/perspectives/2019/12/05/collaborative-service-model-redesign
Selected conference presentations
Lacey, S., Buschert, K. & Kuskowski, A. (2022, 30 May – 2 June). Embracing renewal: Building foundational research skills across disciplines. UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Spring Institute, online.
Buschert, K. (2022, 17-19 May). Developing data science skills in student researchers through a regional innovation research project. International Conference on Economics and Business Information (INCONECSS), online. https://www.inconecss.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Inconecss_2022_slides_buschert.pdf
Lacey, S., Langille, D., Lowry, J. & Buschert, K. (2022, 19-22 April). Collective restoration through collective reading. BC Libraries Association Conference, online.
Buschert, K. & Lacey, S. (2022, 8 April). Exposing vocational awe by exploring the reality of white supremacy in libraries. Politics of Libraries IV: Vocational Awe, online.
Lacey, S., Buschert, K., Fields, E., Kuskowski, A., Melanson, J. (2021, 17-23 May). Creating flexible online modules to support information literacy instruction [Poster presentation]. UBC Celebrate Learning Week, online. https://tlef2.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2021/05/2021-ALT-Showcase-LIBR-Sajni-Lacey.png
Buschert, K. and Lacey, S. (2021, May 19-21). Interrogating EDI: An exploration of white supremacy in libraries using a reflective learning approach [Paper presentation]. CAPAL21 Virtual Conference, online. https://capalibrarians.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/3B_slides.pdf
Buschert, K. and Lacey, S. (2021, June 14-16). Interrogating EDI: An exploration of white supremacy in libraries using a reflective learning approach. Manitoba Library Association-Saskatchewan Library Association Joint Conference, online.
Buschert, K., Rochlin, N., & Trebic, I. (2018, Oct. 19). Test, build, grow: How do entrepreneurs inform their business decisions? [Lightning talk]. ALA Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) lightning talks series, online.
Buschert, K. (2018, Aug. 1-3). Tales of a wine librarian: An academic librarian supporting a university-industry collaboration. Pacific Northwest Library Association Conference, Kalispell, MT, USA.
Sobol, B. & Buschert, K. (2018, May 2). Redesigning the library: Making transformative learning visible. [Poster presentation]. UBC Okanagan Learning Conference, Kelowna, BC, Canada.
Buschert, K. & McCauley, A. (2017, May 24). Secondary Market Research Tutorial – Getting to Know Your Industry [Poster presentation]. Workshop for Library Instruction and Use, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Buschert, K. & McCauley, A. (2017, March 2). Know Your Industry Online Tutorial – Supporting Campus Entrepreneurs at UBC [Lightning talk]. Academic Librarians Supporting Entrepreneurs, online.
Buschert, K. & McCauley, A. (2016, May 31). Instructing innovation: Supporting campus and community entrepreneurs [Poster presentation]. Workshop for Library Instruction and Use, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Buschert, K. (2016, May 4). “So, you’re a wine librarian?”: A new approach to the academic liaison librarian role. Annual conference of the Quebec Libraries Association (ABQLA), Montreal, Quebec. https://abqla.qc.ca/en/conferences-2/y2016/
Invited presentations
Buschert, K. (2019, September 12). Market research for innovative technologies: Strategies and sources [Invited presentation]. New Horizons in Cardiovascular Health, Kelowna, BC, Canada.
Buschert, K. & Mooken, M. (2016, July 18-19). UBC-KEDGE Wine Industry Collaboration [Invited poster presentation]. Enology and Viticulture Conference, Penticton, BC, Canada.
Other publications
Buschert, K., Mooken, M., Pesme, J.O., Sugden, R., & Valania, M. (2018). BC wine territory identity. https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0385569
Selected Grants & Awards
Co-applicant, UBC Okanagan Aspire Teaching and Learning Fund, 2019 – 2021, $49,554. Creating flexible online learning modules to support information literacy instruction.
Co-applicant, UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund, 2016-2017, $49,625. Getting to know your industry video tutorial on UBC Small Business Accelerator
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees