What is Records Management?
Learn the difference between transitory, operational, and archival records and how the Okanagan Records Management team can support you and your unit with all of your records management obligations.
Records Management: Building Blocks for Success
Is your unit swimming in a pile of digital or paper records that you do not know what to do with? Are you using most of your time looking for or re-creating documents because your classification system needs to be revamped? Are you and your colleagues intrigued about when, how, and where you should be […]
Records Management Housekeeping before Fall 2022
Fall semester is approaching rapidly, and with full campus resumption an expectation, now is a good time to catch up on your Records Management housekeeping! The return of students, faculty and staff to campus will make for a full office, and you’ll want to declutter your physical records space as much as possible before then. […]
Happy New Fiscal Year!
On April 1, we entered into Fiscal Year 2023. We, here at Okanagan Records Management Program, would like to wish you a Happy New Fiscal Year! Perhaps there aren’t any fireworks or champagne, but we extend an invitation for you get rid of your financial records that have fulfilled their retention responsibility. When the fiscal […]
Community of Practice
Records Manager Michael Stewart will be leading a series of meetings aimed at sharing and discovering best-practices that support and encourage the records management activities performed in every faculty, school, unit, and department of the University. Do you have questions surrounding the organization and retention of your files? Have you recently made records policy changes […]
Records Management
With campus resumption just around the corner, now is a great time to make sure your unit’s records are as organized as they can be. Following good records management practices and retention schedules ensures that your records will be findable, accessible, and able to meet your business needs. The Okanagan Records Management Office can offer […]
Our Records Management Team is growing to support you!
UBCO Library is hiring a Project Records Manager to work alongside Records Manager and Archivist Paige Hohmann. One of their responsibilities will be the oversight of a portion of UBCO’s digital records governance projects. The objective of this program is to reorganize a campus unit’s shared drive to bring it in line with electronic records […]
Records Storage Program OPEN
The Records Storage program, located within Okanagan Special Collections on the bottom floor of the Commons, is operational. Staff are regularly on campus and can accommodate any box transfers or access requests you have, though they will be subject to some special safety considerations due to Covid. They have also officiated the new records management […]
Okanagan Records Management Program
The beginning of a new fiscal year has arrived, and the records management team wants to remind you that now is a good time to catch up on your records housekeeping. Is there a filing cabinet that no one has cleaned out in recent memory? Now is a great time to do some weeding. Are […]