Digital Readiness Projects

Mouse iconWhat is the goal of a Digital Readiness Project?

The objective of a shared drive governance project is to build a new drive directory, migrate relevant active records to this new drive directory, and discard the old drive directory. The new drive is supported by a suite of documents that will help ensure ongoing performance.

What are the steps?

1) Introductions between the Records Manager and the unit’s digital readiness team, as well as an initial assessment of the K:Drive.

2) Presentation of a project proposal and draft implementation plan.

3) Review folder classifications and diagramming, which repeats until finished.

4) Creation of policy, naming convention, security groups, and migration map documents, which also repeats until finished.

5) Final approvals, communications and an updated implementation plan.

6) Transition from the old drive to the new drive, including training and troubleshooting.

fingers on a computer keyboardHow is the process documented?

  • File Classification. The Okanagan Records Management Office receives a list of folders from IT providing a view of the target drive. Using this, and a series of meetings with key stakeholders, records classifications are applied to the existing folders according to the draft classification schema. Almost all units will have records that fall under functional blocks such as Admin, Finance, Governance, Human Resources, Teaching Organization, Student Affairs, Reference, and Research. Composing these blocks are further, more granular classification assignments that correspond to the activities that support these functions.
  • File Schema Diagram. Out of the classification, a visual representation of the idealized new drive is created which expresses categories, filing rules, recommended retention, and disposition method.
  • Security Groups and Matrix. Through classification, folders which require enhanced security are identified, and through this, group-based (as opposed to identity-based) security profiles are articulated and applied.
  • Unit-level Policy. A concise statement of the governing principles of the new shared drive, including a statement of purpose, characterization of records kept, and identification of responsibility and accountability.
  • Naming Convention. A standard, minimum set of naming elements to ensure consistency of notation and versioning control. May include the development of custom document templates.