Dania Tomlinson

(She, Her, Hers)

Marketing and Communications Specialist

Email: dania.tomlinson@ubc.ca


Orange Shirt Day is held annually on September 30 to honour, acknowledge, and remember those who have been affected by Residential Schools. Since campus is closed on September 30 and we cannot all be together, library employees will wear our orange shirts and pins on September 29 in recognition of Orange Shirt Day. 

Orange Shirt Day facilitates global conversation and meaningful discussion about the legacy and impacts of Residential Schools in Canada. We call upon our campus to listen with open ears to the stories of survivors and their families, and to remember those who are not with us today. 

We, as a library, wear our orange shirts and pins to signify that we stand in solidarity with survivors and those who have been affected by the harmful legacy of Residential Schools in Canada. We continue to create space amongst our team to learn and acknowledge the ongoing legacy and trauma of Residential Schools. 

Learn more about Orange Shirt Day. Explore the Okanagan Syilx Research Guide.  

What is the library doing beyond Orange Shirt Day?

The UBC Okanagan Library is committed to implementing the Indigenous Strategic Plan and assembled the Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) Working Group in the winter of 2020. The ISP Working Group has been working to implement UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan and more largely the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. The ISP Working Group is committed to the important and long-term work of reconciliation.

Learn more about the ISP Working Group

Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Symposium, part of Open Access Week

The Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Symposium is part of Open Access Week. Learn about the intersections between Indigenous knowledges and Open Education (OE) at the Symposium on October 22. The goal is to centre Indigenous ways of knowing, cultures, experiences, and worldviews within OE advocacy work. Suitable for students of all levels, staff, faculty, and community members. Learn more and register: https://libcal.library.ubc.ca/event/3623290

Queer Recommends

Are there any 2SLGBTQIA+ books, movies, shows, or other resources that you wish were available through the UBC Library? During Queer Orientation we are asking UBCO students, staff, and faculty to recommend their favourite 2SLGBTQIA+ literature, films, and more through our social media channels to help develop our collection. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and send us your recommendations in a comment, DM, or simply @UBCOLibrary. We’ll also be offering some of our favourites from our collection. #UBCOLibraryRecs

Reading Lists

UBCO Librarians have curated several reading lists. Check them out!

2SLGBTQIA+ Reading Lists & Resources

Looking for something that we don’t have in our collection? Let us know! We always accept recommendations. Email us: libquestions.ok@ubc.ca

Featured books: 

The Spectacular by Zoe Whittall

Borrow it:
UBC Library – On Order
Okanagan Regional Library – Print, eBook

Review: “Zoe Whittall has this incredible ability to go straight at the honest emotional heart of a story, and yet even with that ferocity, her writing is always graceful, a total joy to read. It makes it so easy to love her characters. In the best books characters feel like my friends, but with the mothers of The Spectacular, they came to feel like my family.”
– Torrey Peters, author of
Detransition, Baby



You Are Enough: Love poems for the end of the world by Smokii Sumac

Borrow it:
UBC Library – Print

Description: “In this moving collection, Sumac addresses the grief of being an Indigenous person in Canada, shares timely (and sometimes hilarious) musings on consent, sex, and gender, introduces readers to people and places he has loved and learned from, and through it all, helps us all come to know that we are enough, just as we are.

Winner of the 2019 Indigenous Voices Award in Published Poetry in English and short-listed for the 2020 Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBTQ Emerging Writers.” (From Kegedonce Press​)


Butter Honey Pig Bread by Francesca Ekwuyasi 

Borrow it:
UBC Library – eBook
Okanagan Regional Library – print, eBook

Description: Butter Honey Pig Bread tells the interconnected stories of three Nigerian women: Kambirinachi and her twin daughters, Kehinde and Taiye. After more than a decade of living apart, Taiye and Kehinde have returned home to Lagos. It is here that the three women must face each other and address the wounds of the past if they are to reconcile and move forward. (Edited from UBC Catalogue)

Review: In this remarkable debut novel, a family of Nigerian women attempt to carefully tiptoe around an unspeakable tragedy. Through masterfully crafted scenes full of sumptuous imagery, readers are moved, just as these characters are, by forces beyond their control, beyond their lifetimes.
-Catherine Hernandez, author of


The Prophets by Robert Jones Jr.

The Prophets

Borrow it:
UBC Library – print
Okanagan Regional Library – print, eBook, Large Print, audiobook 

Description: A singular and stunning debut novel about the forbidden union between two enslaved young men on a Deep South plantation, the refuge they find in each other, and a betrayal that threatens their existence. (UBC Catalogue)

Review: “I’ve loved the writing of Robert Jones, Jr., for years, and The Prophets is an absolute triumph, a symphonic evocation of the heights and depths of pain, joy, and love.”
–R.O. Kwon, author of The Incendiaries


Our Work is Everywhere: An Illustrated Oral History of Queer & Trans Resistance
by Syan Rose

Borrow it:
UBC Library – eBook

Description: Our Work Is Everywhere is a graphic non-fiction book that underscores the brilliance and passion of queer and trans resistance. (Arsenal Pulp Press)

Review:In this collection, Syan Rose has created full, lovely and sensitively drawn portraits of the humans who set the world aright.” -Molly Crabapple, author of Drawing Blood, and Brothers of the Gun with Marwan Hisham



See recommendations from last year

Records Manager Michael Stewart will be leading a series of meetings aimed at sharing and discovering best-practices that support and encourage the records management activities performed in every faculty, school, unit, and department of the University.

Do you have questions surrounding the organization and retention of your files? Have you recently made records policy changes and discovered new ways of getting a handle on the growing digital record sprawl? Do you have an article, experience, or anecdote about records management and want a place to share? Then the UBCO Records Management Community of Practice is the place for you.

Interested in joining the conversation? Please use this registration form and a meeting invitation will be sent to you ASAP. The RM CoP will convene on the following dates in 2022: January 31, March 18, May 26, July 28, September 29, and November 24.

Contact Michael Stewart at m.stewart@ubc.ca with any questions or concerns.

Science Literacy Week

Science Literacy Week: CLIMATE

Science Literacy Week is a national, weeklong initiative that aims to highlight the diversity of Canadian science. Each year libraries, museums, science centres, schools, and not-for-profits celebrate a certain aspect in science by featuring books, films, events, and workshops around a specific theme. This year, Science Literacy Week has partnered with Environment and Climate Change Canada to explore CLIMATE. 

Here in the Okanagan, where our summers are sometimes full of smoke from wildfires and the desert-like landscape often suffers from drought, climate is an extremely important and relevant aspect to our lives.

Okanagan-specific Books, Films, and Resources

How does climate and climate change affect us in the Okanagan? How can we make a difference? Check out the resources in this Okanagan-specific guide!

Climate & Climate Change in the Okanagan

Find more resources:

Climate Change  SLW at UBC

Book Displays & Activities

UBC Library has plenty of books, films, and other resources about Climate. Browse the books on display and check out the activities on the main floor of UBC Okanagan Library from September 20-26.

Here are some of our recommendations


The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go from Here by Hope Jahren
Borrow it







The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist’s Guide to the Climate Crisis by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac

Borrow it






More Powerful Together: conversations with climate activists and Indigenous land defenders
by Jen Gobby

Borrow it






Looking for a book or film about climate that we don’t have in our collections? Let us know!

Suggest a Book


Virtual Workshops

Getting started with Citizen Science: a survey of tools and projects

This virtual workshop will introduce Citizen Science as a concept, go over notable projects to get involved with, and introduce common tools for getting started as a citizen scientist.

Monday, September 20
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Learn more & register

Civic Engagement in the Climate Emergency Workshop

There are many ways to become involved in politics, but it can be challenging to identify opportunities. This workshop examines civic engagement and provides a brief overview of opportunities to get involved, with a special focus on climate justice work in municipal governments in British Columbia.

Wednesday, September 22
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Learn more & register

Thinking through the crap: How to think critically about science in the media – Presented by The (Un)Scientific Method

This session will cover:

  • Hands-on critical analysis of controversial science topics
  • Discussing how our biases may influence the way we read science media
  • Developing a strategy to critically evaluate science media

Thursday, September 23
Time: 1 pm – 2 pm

Learn more and Register

Find more UBC-wide Science Literacy Week events.

Local Events and Initiatives 

Waterways: Take a deep dive into the human relationship with water.
Kelowna Museum is featuring Waterways from September 18-January 29


Climate Action: Learn how you can take action against climate change locally.

City of Kelowna Climate Action

This report makes projections on how the Okanagan is affected by climate change.

Okanagan Climate Projections

Library of the Future with four library employees standing in front of a blue tinted image of the library

UBC Okanagan Library was recently featured in an Okanagan Story titled, Library of the Future: Improving inclusivity in spaces, services and collections is a priority for the UBC Okanagan Library. Learn how UBC Okanagan Library employees are working to make the Library more inclusive. 

Read the article


black and white stacks of paper records

With campus resumption just around the corner, now is a great time to make sure your unit’s records are as organized as they can be. Following good records management practices and retention schedules ensures that your records will be findable, accessible, and able to meet your business needs. The Okanagan Records Management Office can offer vault space for your records boxes, and consultation services for the organization of your digital records. To learn more, contact Stephanie Plumb at stephanie.plumb@ubc.ca.


OER Grant Funded Project Spotlight: Introductory thermodynamics: an open textbook for engineering undergraduate students

Project title: Introductory Thermodynamics: an open textbook for engineering undergraduate students
Project Lead:  Claire Yan (UBCO Faculty, Engineering)
Project team: Amaiya Khardenavis (UBCO MASc student) and with support from: Donna Langille (Librarian, UBCO), Erin Fields (Librarian, UBCV), Claire Swanson (Open Education, UBCV) and Kristen Morgen (CTL, UBCO)

Background on the Open Educational Resource (OER) project.
This project aims to create an open textbook on introductory engineering thermodynamics, which will be published on Pressbooks with Creative Commons license. Over the past few years, UBCO Engineering faculty member, Dr. Claire Yan, has developed learning modules while teaching thermodynamics. Building upon these learning modules, the proposed open textbook will be tailor-made to contain the most fundamental topics of classical thermodynamics suitable for an entry-level undergraduate course and revised to ensure all materials, including tables and graphs, have an open license. In addition, this project will create interactive H5P questions for each chapter of the open textbook intended for students to practice key concepts and perform self-assessment.

Why go Open?
Several years ago, Dr. Yan used an online homework system provided by a book publisher in one of her courses. Students were required to purchase the ebook and the associated code. From students’ feedback, she realized that more than half of the class felt that the ebook was too expensive for a single course. This incident gave her insight on students’ differing social-economic situations. From then on, Dr. Yan looked for ways to not only help students learn effectively, but to make learning materials more affordable. During her search, she came across BC Campus, open education, and Pressbooks. As this open textbook will be published on Pressbooks with a Creative Commons License, other authors and users can freely download the book and reuse or remix the content to suit their course or learning needs.

Project Impact for UBCO Students, Staff, and Faculty?
Thermodynamics is a fundamental subject in many engineering, physics and chemistry disciplines. The outcome of this project will be an open textbook with sufficient content coverage for an entry-level, three-credit, one-term engineering thermodynamics course. Upon its completion, the open textbook can be adopted in APSC 252 Thermodynamics, which typically has an enrolment of about 400. The open textbook created through this project can also be used by upper-year engineering students as a refresher.

This project will allow instructors to transition from commercial textbooks to OER. Being open sourced, the content of the proposed open textbook may be remixed, reused or updated by a broader teaching and learning community in engineering and sciences. The benefit to students is a more concise and freely-accessible alternative to expensive commercial textbooks, which will help reduce the financial stress to many students.

Advice from the team for those considering OERs
Searching for open repositories and Pressbooks formatting takes time. Thankfully, Donna (UBCO Library), Erin (UBC Library), Claire (Open Education), and Kristen (CTL) have supported me by providing necessary resources. More and more people, both instructors and students are joining the community. There are more resources and support than you may think. If you have an idea, make it happen!

Learn more about the
Open Educational Resources Grant Program.

Explore other grant funded OER project spotlights: 

Context-Embedded Guided-Inquiry Learning Modules for Large Introductory Chemistry Courses

Introducing Ainu Content to Japanese Language Students

Fostering best practices in reproducible analyses

OER Grant Funded Project Spotlight: Fostering best practices in reproducible analyses across the biology curriculum

Project title: Fostering best practices in reproducible analyses across the biology curriculum
Project lead: Jason Pither (UBCO Faculty, Biology)
Project team: Mathew Vis-Dunbar (Librarian), Clerissa Copeland (BSc Hons.), Sharon Hanna (Support Analyst)

Background on the Open Educational Resource (OER) project.
Using the biology program as a pilot venue, the team is building open educational resources (OERs) that will support the development and application of reproducible lab assignment/experiment workflows by students, and through web-based, interactive network diagrams, highlight how biology courses across the curriculum are connected through common learning outcomes, particularly those related to study designs, statistical analyses, and workflows.

The connections will include short vignettes that will describe the nature of the connection and reinforce the focal learning outcomes, and provide common pitfalls (related to the topic) and their solutions relative to reproducibility. All materials used in the development of reproducible lab assignments and network mapping, including all outputs from these, will be made openly available for others to draw upon.

Why go Open?
A fundamental tenet of the scientific method is replicability: research protocols and outcomes should be fully replicable by independent researchers. In reality, the majority of scientific research cannot be replicated due to a combination of insufficient transparency and openness, poor study design, and flawed statistical analyses.

Efforts to address this “reproducibility crisis” are gaining momentum through the “open science” (OS) movement, but these efforts rarely target training undergraduate students. This is a missed opportunity as graduates of science programs could help push the culture change that is required to solve the reproducibility crisis, and ultimately make the science upon which public policy is based more sound.

The OER grant is helping the team to introduce, in a meaningful and connected way, practices and theories in scientific reproducibility, transparency, and rigour. Further, it is an opportunity to demonstrate similar approaches to the development of tools to support teaching and learning.

Project Impact for UBCO Students, Staff, and Faculty?
These resources will help to build discrete connections about core concepts, allowing students to clearly see how activities and processes in one class or lab are revisited and built upon in other classes and lab, providing a window into the undergraduate biology program in its entirety. This will also allow instructors and lab managers to harmonize their content, approach, assignments, and terminology across the program.

Additionally, it offers up, at the program level, the opportunity to learn not just how to do a given task in science, but an emphasis that is routinely reinforced, on the underlying principles of the scientific method, preparing them either as better future researchers, or engaged citizens with strong scientific literacies to inform how they engage in daily life.

Advice from the team for those considering OERs
It can be challenging to think of these classroom resources becoming living entities requiring continual updates, potentially in a collaborative manner, and the amount of time and effort one needs to invest for these to be successful. Grants like these OER grants are allowing us to tackle this in small, manageable chunks. We recognize that a key to success is to select a set of priorities to pick away at as opposed to having to re-imagine the full learning experience and the role of OERs in that experience overnight or in the scope of a single term.

Being able to co-develop classroom learning materials with students who have or are taking those courses provides invaluable insights into how content is interpreted by our learners. It’s an amazing learning opportunity for everyone involved, and has the potential, through release of these materials as OERs, to get undergraduate students building an academic CV.

Learn more
Learn more about the Open Educational Resources Grant Program and other grant funded OER project spotlights:
Context-Embedded Guided-Inquiry Learning Modules for Large Introductory Chemistry Courses
Introducing Ainu Content to Japanese Language Students

OER Grant Funded Project: SPOTLIGHT Introducing Ainu Content to Japanese Language Students

Project title: Introducing Ainu Content to Japanese Language Students
Project Lead:  Nina Langton (UBCO Faculty)
Project team: Mayu Takasaki (UBCO Lecturer) and Saki Irie (UBCO Student)

Background on the Open Educational Resource (OER) project.
The Ainu are the Indigenous people of Japan, but many students of the Japanese language are not aware of their existence. As a way of contributing to the university’s commitment to engage in reconciliation by promoting knowledge of Indigenous cultures and histories, the aim of this project is to introduce and deepen students’ awareness of Ainu history, culture and oral traditions, both past and present. The OER Grant provides an opportunity to jump-start, in a concrete way, Nina Langton’s intention to indigenize the Japanese language curriculum and share those efforts with not only students, but other educators as well.

These materials will include level-appropriate reading selections on Ainu history (particularly since colonization), descriptions of traditional and current culture and lifestyle, as well as interactive learning activities to accompany the readings. Although making culturally sensitive materials using unmediated Ainu voices in challenging, a network of Ainu artists and teachers have been providing some helpful guidance on this project.

Project Impact
These materials will provide the opportunity for students to reflect on both the negative impact of colonialism within Japan and the revitalization of the vibrant Ainu culture. In addition, the goal of this project is for students to gain an awareness of and respect for the diversity of peoples within Japan, instead of seeing contemporary Japan only as a homogeneous culture.

This OER project will include materials adapted and created with Creative Commons Open Licenses so that other Japanese language instructors can use them to add Indigenous content to their own classes.

Advice from the project lead for those considering OERs
Although it may feel a little scary to put something out into the world and not be able to control how someone else might use it, contributing to creative collaboration is very satisfying.

Going through the university guidelines for creating OER materials has made me more aware of the importance of accessibility and the concept of Universal Design, which is not only valuable for this OER project, but for teaching and for creating learning materials in general.

In addition, I’ve gained greater appreciation for the challenges involved in creating original material and for the benefits of making that material freely available.

Explore more:
Learn more about the Open Educational Resources Grant Program and other grant funded OER project spotlights.